Part 1 - In Medias Res


oh, you're finally awake, thank goodness

i was starting to get worried about you

Man, my head hurts

tell me when you're good

C'mon, Microfilm. Work it down. Just stay still for a bit. Deep breaths.

...okay, I'm alright.

i'm glad to hear that

because i'll be honest i have no idea where we are

but does this place feel familiar to you


I mean... kinda?

I don't think I've ever been here, but it seems familiar.

like somewhere we could've been

Yeah. That's a good term for it., uh.

Why are we here?

well we're probably not here apropos of nothing

I suppose that's true. Nothing has really come out of nowhere since we got here.

so logically we must be here for something


Oh, wait oh, wait

okay, you first

Look over here. On the ground.

It's a note.

...well, at least it's something to do.

microfilm look over there

Is that gm_flatgrass with a hockey rink on it

yeah i think so

...okay, that's it. Suspicion, high alert.

Where are we and what is this place?

wait, look over there

thats the big city

And that's the Pokemon stage.

and the beach

Okay, is this some kind of practical joke?

too expensive

I guess, but what else could this be?

Considering we're standing here, right now, and-



Alright. I don't know about you, but that came from my right, so I am walking to my left.

fair enough

What could this place even be?

I don't think Manilla Folder has the budget to do something like this.

maybe this is a hallucination

But we wouldn't be seeing the same things, right?

i suppose

And since we're not seeing the same things I have to presume this is in some sense of realitokay stop walking there's a wall here

Look at this, huh?

Solid white. Thought this was the sky.


alright. so

this is a wall. it's made of what the sky looks like

and there's no hard edges in the sky

Wait - and look that way.

It curves over there.

so that means that


...yeah, I guess it would mean that, right?

...oh, God.

Part 2